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Twitter Quietly Stops COVID-19 Misinformation Policy

Twitter Quietly Stops COVID-19 Misinformation Policy

In but some other twist withinside the Elon Musk Twitter drama, the platform`s whole operation for combating incorrect information approximately the COVID-19 pandemic is being close down. Musk himself has been roundly criticized for spreading falsehoods approximately COVID on Twitter (through Forbes), elevating questions on platform bias and the diploma to which Musk expects Twitter to feature as a virtual echo chamber for his very own political views.

The selection became now no longer extensively publicized. Users in reality observed a quick word introduced to Twitter's web page on COVID-19 incorrect information: "Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is not imposing the COVID-19 deceptive records policy."

The selection comes withinside the wake of Twitter's so-referred to as popular amnesty, wherein, in reaction to an open ballot  at the platform, as much as 62,000 money owed eliminated from Twitter can be restored beneathneath new management. As for whether or not anti-vaxxers, COVID-19 deniers, and different humans whose content material might were eliminated beneathneath the antique policies can be allowed lower back to the platform, live tuned.

Vox populi, vox Musk?

Musk has embraced the philosophy of "vox populi, vox dei" in latest days, which interprets to "the voice of the humans is the voice of God." In quick, he believes he is moderating through famous democracy to the factor of figuring out contentious troubles just like the aforementioned amnesty and the recovery of former President Donald Trump's Twitter privileges through open ballot .

The trouble with that of course, is that recognition would not make a declaration true. Popular falsehoods approximately COVID-19 mainly ran rampant all through the pandemic, frequently with tragic results (through NPR). To his credit, Musk isn't always advocating a entire removal of Twitter moderation standards, returning the carrier to, in his very own words, "a free-for-all hellscape wherein whatever may be stated with out a consequences."

Rather, Musk describes Twitter's new method as "freedom of speech, now no longer freedom of reach." His motive is that tweets with hateful content material can be deboosted and demonetized, seen handiest to customers who intentionally are searching for them out. It's a greater laissez-faire approach, constant with Musk's very own free-marketplace politics. Whether with a view to show enough to deal with the spike in incorrect information that always follows politically fraught conditions like elections and herbal failures in reality stays to be seen.

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